Fabrice Hyber was born in 1961 in Vendée, a multifaceted artist who incorporates themes from biology, astronomy, mathematics, and physics into his work. He translates science into his creations, both through his subject matter and by highlighting the creative process. Through his Homeopathic Paintings, he explores rhizomatic concepts where body, landscape, and object resonate with the act of creation. Calculations, sketches, research documents, and personal reflections are integrated and displayed at the heart of each work, forming both its structure and visible matrix.
Hyber regularly collaborates with the scientific community. In 2007, he worked with American biotechnologist Robert S. Langer on stem cell research, and frequently cooperates with the Pasteur Institute and Professor Olivier Schwartz. During the Covid-19 crisis, he explored viral concepts, a recurring theme in his work. In 2021, he collaborated with Françoise Cossard from the Pasteur Institute to illustrate a scientific book titled The Invisible World of Living Things, published by Odile Jacob.
The environment also plays a significant role in Fabrice Hyber's work. Committed to planting trees in his valley in Vendée, he dedicates part of his work to researching ecosystems worldwide, while considering the integration of renewable energies and electrical applications in his works.